Please note that Sherwood Forest foodbank is run completely by volunteers and overseen by our Project Manager, Rachel.
We have tried to include as much information below in order to help you.
Here is the latest information regarding the foodbank relating to-
1)Opening days/times
2)Food parcel requests
3)Food donations
4)Referral Agencies
IMPORTANT – due to preserve our food stocks, we have had to re-introduce the rule of 3 vouchers in 6 months only.
Our opening hours are:
Stable Centre, Mansfield Woodhouse – Monday & Thursday 1.30 – 4PM (Last entry is 3.45PM) Main entrance is at the Scout Hut from the rear car park.
St Peters Church, Church Side, Mansfield – Wednesday 10.30 – 12.30PM.
If you need a food parcel for yourself, you need to get a referral by contacting the agency that has referred you in the past.
If you have not used the foodbank before (or are unable to contact your previous agency) you can call the Citizen’s Advice National Helpline on 0300 330 2112 (free phone), or call/text the local office at 07930 199843.
Once this has been done, the agency will send us your referral voucher code and you can come to the food bank to collect your food parcel when we are next open. (Someone can collect on your behalf if necessary)
If you have been to the foodbank before, you MUST get a referral and obtain a voucher.
Please see our website for details of location.
We are still very much in need of non-perishable food donations (and toiletries/pet food also welcomed) and these can be dropped off at our centre at The Stable Centre, Church Street, Mansfield Woodhouse between 1.30 and 3.45 on Mondays & Thursdays.
If you cannot deliver your donations to us then please leave a message on our phone number 07563 233652 and we will contact you to make arrangements.
*IMPORTANT – ALL referrals to Sherwood Forest Foodbank need to be made by E-referral using our online data system.
If you have forgotten how to access the system, simply type in your browser – -you will then be at the log in page.
If you are not yet registered with us to use this then please contact us on [email protected] so that you can be given access to our system, as we cannot accept referrals by email or telephone message.
If you are still using the old handwritten red vouchers, they will be accepted but will not be reprinted once finished.
Once you have generated and completed a voucher online, we will be notified automatically so you do not need to contact us.