Get Help
How to get help
Are you, or anyone you know, in financial crisis?
Are you struggling to put food on the table?
Sherwood Forest Foodbank is ready and able to help!
The most important step is to get a foodbank voucher.
To access our services please contact
Mansfield CAB on 07832 932 331,
Mansfield District Council on 01623 463 463,
Notts County Council Golden Number on 0300 500 8080,
or Sherwood Forest Foodbank directly on 07563 233652 (opening times only)
- You will be asked a few questions about your situation
- You will be given a digital reference number (eVoucher)
- Bring your reference number (eVoucher) to us at to access a ‘three day’ food parcel.
Click here to see where our centres are and our opening times.
If you have any further questions our FAQ’s page may help, or feel free to give us a call.